#: locale=zh ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Telstra Creator Space ## Skin ### Button Button_13223544_334D_826B_41C8_43957ECCA1BA.label = Electronics Button_2D860BF5_3DB4_796E_41BB_4D80BC451C01.label = Virtual Tour Developers Button_7DB31382_7065_343F_41D6_641BBE1B2562.label = Test Bed and 3D Printing Button_7DB33382_7065_343F_41B1_0B0F019C1828.label = Basement General Maker Button_7DB35382_7065_343F_41C5_CF0EAF3E4CFF.label = Concierge Button_7DB35382_7065_343F_41C5_CF0EAF3E4CFF.pressedLabel = Location Button_7DBC8382_7065_343F_4183_17B44518DB40.label = Metal Shop Button_7DBCA382_7065_343F_41DB_48D975E3D9EC.label = Wood Shop ### Label Label_22BB32F4_3075_D173_4191_C8B45B85DEB8.text = University of Melbourne ## Media ### Title album_0A264795_2B54_BBC6_41B9_89212DD172F0.label = Photo Album IMG_0035 album_0A264795_2B54_BBC6_41B9_89212DD172F0_0.label = IMG_0035 album_277E9844_30C4_ADC3_41C2_02A59674FE39.label = Photo Album Screenshot 2021-08-11 022913 panorama_10218BD3_1A5D_76CC_419A_07A4546B70CD.label = R0010046 panorama_1021AA21_1A5D_514C_41B5_8BFE68EF25DF.label = R0010045 panorama_1021CE12_1A5D_514D_418B_658CF8E62624.label = R0010047 panorama_1022C87A_1A5E_B1BC_41A6_D476A909A305.label = R0010044 panorama_1022D6A4_1A5E_D155_41B8_6FA316762590.label = R0010043 panorama_102302DF_1A5E_D6F4_4170_2F7AF578C6D0.label = R0010041 panorama_10230491_1A5E_F14C_41A2_B09C253A318E.label = R0010042 panorama_10233F98_1A5F_6F7C_41AB_1A311D9EBA4E.label = R0010039 panorama_1023C14B_1A5E_B3DC_41B4_8448C39DC7AA.label = R0010040 panorama_1023CE56_1A5F_51F4_41AB_7C9DF1AB00F1.label = R0010038 panorama_10DBDEFA_1A5A_AEBD_41AD_7F4F996C490D.label = R0010072 panorama_10DBFD0C_1A5A_F354_41B4_CC2FBC7B3065.label = R0010071 panorama_10DC1B13_1A5A_D74C_418A_54A53BBCE087.label = R0010070 panorama_10DC426E_1A5B_B1D4_41B0_D11A00D4C341.label = R0010065 panorama_10DC699B_1A5A_B37C_4188_048392552E75.label = R0010069 panorama_10DC7CD3_1A5F_B2CC_41B2_BB60F99C085B.label = R0010036 panorama_10DCA488_1A5B_515C_41BA_441D3B1AEDBC.label = R0010066 panorama_10DCD839_1A5B_51BC_41B9_BDCF2153B208.label = R0010068 panorama_10DCE6E0_1A5B_7ECD_4190_4AF8D25068D5.label = R0010067 panorama_10DD0C4B_1A5B_B1DC_41B4_9A9422AA9209.label = R0010062 panorama_10DD7A42_1A5B_51CC_419C_FA302DDFED0A.label = R0010061 panorama_10DDA069_1A5B_D1DC_4196_80EA1725494F.label = R0010064 panorama_10DDFE56_1A5B_D1F4_4191_984FE45D8FE7.label = R0010063 panorama_10DE0811_1A5D_514F_41AF_840BB0B4243F.label = R0010052 panorama_10DE11C3_1A5D_F2CC_41B6_29F17ED91F7F.label = R0010049 panorama_10DE4022_1A5D_D14C_4198_A351AC63AA87.label = R0010048 panorama_10DE49CD_1A5D_72D4_4181_87D83BE5D47E.label = R0010053 panorama_10DE53ED_1A5D_D6D4_41B1_21E9EC1B0FFD.label = R0010050 panorama_10DE5B91_1A5D_574C_41B4_D5B5B854511E.label = R0010054 panorama_10DED5D9_1A5B_52FC_418F_2AC1BB434B3C.label = R0010059 panorama_10DEE833_1A5B_714C_41B3_CF880331B900.label = R0010060 panorama_10DEF5E8_1A5D_B2DD_419E_C5B3D2BBA2A8.label = R0010051 panorama_10DF0431_1A5A_B14C_41B7_4BADF2A4F049.label = R0010058 panorama_10DF51BF_1A5A_D2B4_41AA_A890DFE5BE40.label = R0010057 panorama_10DF8D34_1A5A_B3B4_41A8_F413FCF59ABE.label = R0010055 panorama_10DF9F9C_1A5A_EF74_41B9_816BF702558F.label = R0010056 panorama_10E48302_1A65_774D_41A0_317A9C5C7C49.label = R0010074 panorama_10E490F6_1A65_52B5_4196_AC88C6AFF195.label = R0010073 panorama_10E4E70B_1A65_BF5C_41B0_7E42FE5A3E15.label = R0010076 panorama_10E51932_1A65_D34C_41AB_B2063DDC9C12.label = R0010077 panorama_10E524A0_1A65_514C_41A5_94C2BF105DB1.label = R0010075 panorama_10E53AF4_1A65_F6B4_41AF_56AD8E481167.label = R0010078 panorama_10E58F40_1A65_AFCC_4184_EECF5C534440.label = R0010080 panorama_10E63853_1A66_F1CC_41A0_068CCB92E55A.label = R0010085 panorama_10E683B2_1A65_574C_41A1_8A0FDA0BA9B4.label = R0010082 panorama_10E6B129_1A65_735C_4197_A41103A5182A.label = R0010081 panorama_10E6B6CF_1A66_DED4_41B5_B4FB823C237C.label = R0010084 panorama_10E6C583_1A66_B34C_41AC_78E8A6A7655D.label = R0010083 panorama_10E83D88_1A65_D35C_41AC_CCD5D291262E.label = R0010079 panorama_11DDBB2E_1A5F_D754_41AB_4FF0ED4C7661.label = R0010035 photo_08E88278_2B6F_B54E_41BC_339A08F0DD3C.label = IMG_0034 photo_090B78D3_2B6C_9542_41B8_810D012F6657.label = IMG_0031 photo_09D8DA52_2B6D_9542_41B0_362E18CDED9F.label = IMG_0032 photo_0F2856D9_2B73_7D4E_41AA_C64D4D236790.label = IMG_0029 photo_16C68589_337D_82FA_41A5_CDC8850788A8.label = IMG_0026 photo_1AD9CF5C_3345_7E1A_41C9_E35018B7EADE.label = IMG_0035 photo_29B94892_3982_50D1_41A6_42B47F2E52D3.label = TCS Virtual Tour - Concierge Pop up video_27280563_30C7_A7C5_41C6_B9DBB17B112D.label = Screenshot 2021-08-11 022913 video_284353FC_30C4_62BC_41B1_22ED81100685.label = Screenshot 2021-08-11 022913 video_2C9EFC04_35C0_B1A7_41BA_7A3B8BE96147.label = 3d(已去底) ## Popup ### Body htmlText_08331470_2B54_9D5F_41B6_B36A714AA9EE.html =
Be inspired by what its possible using 3D Printing
htmlText_09984F73_2B6F_EB42_41C3_C8903D538BD6.html =
A variety of hand tools are available for your project needs.
htmlText_09CA1D7D_2B73_AF46_41C2_F3EBF5B96B7D.html =
A variety of hand tools are available for your project needs.
htmlText_15F9772B_334E_8E3D_41B2_72835A8EDC07.html =
Telstra Creator Space has over 90 lockers available for you to store your projects.
htmlText_200CC4D0_3A0F_79AF_41A1_3659066EA206.html =
Test Bed:
This is a large open space designed for testing your prototypes, hosting workshops and exhibitions, or even conducting user testing.
The test bed is setup ready for face-to-face general induction sessions teaching users how to safely operate portable drills and general hand tools.
htmlText_20145C8E_3A01_09B3_41C2_70097541D770.html =
Laser Cutter:
The two Trotec speedy laser cutters can be used to cut or engrave acrylic and other non-metal materials using a high-powered laser light source. Find out more https://eng.unimelb.edu.au/telstra-creator-space/explore/explore-tools/maker-space/laser-cutter-100
htmlText_201919CC_3A0F_0BB7_4197_2EDD2DBAED61.html =
Test Bed:
This is a large open space designed for testing your prototypes, hosting workshops and exhibitions, or even conducting user testing.
The test bed is setup ready for face-to-face general induction sessions teaching users how to safely operate portable drills and general hand tools.
htmlText_20293DB7_3A01_0BD2_41C6_F36EC9F27D66.html =
3D Printing:
Transform your ideas into tangible outcomes with 3D printing. You'll find design desks plus twenty eight Makerbot Replicators, MakerBot Replicator Z18, two Markforged MkII and Artec 3D Scanners.
htmlText_2038305C_3A01_3957_41CB_B1EE31699C21.html =
3D Printing:
Transform your ideas into tangible outcomes with 3D printing. You'll find design desks plus twenty eight Makerbot Replicators, MakerBot Replicator Z18, two Markforged MkII and Artec 3D Scanners.
htmlText_2060101A_3A01_18D3_41AA_B4B0436E8A6B.html =
Test Bed:
This is a large open space designed for testing your prototypes, hosting workshops and exhibitions, or even conducting user testing.
The test bed is setup ready for face-to-face general induction sessions teaching users how to safely operate portable drills and general hand tools.
htmlText_2062D356_3A01_7F52_419F_47062B591C6A.html =
Test Bed:
This is a large open space designed for testing your prototypes, hosting workshops and exhibitions, or even conducting user testing.
The test bed is setup ready for face-to-face general induction sessions teaching users how to safely operate portable drills and general hand tools.
htmlText_20799CCD_3A01_09B1_41C9_04D9993EC2C8.html =
3D Printing:
Transform your ideas into tangible outcomes with 3D printing. You'll find design desks plus twenty eight Makerbot Replicators, MakerBot Replicator Z18, two Markforged MkII and Artec 3D Scanners.
htmlText_20A4858C_3A03_3BB6_41CB_0591218BAFAF.html =
One of two electronic areas, where you'll find electronics test workbenches with Tektronix MDO-3 four channel 200Mhz touchscreen oscilloscope with built-in spectrum analyser, a Tektronix AFG1022 dual channel function generator with a range of 1uHz to 25Mhz, and a dual output 200W DC power supply for all your prototype testing.
Our Soldering test workbench have a Pace MBT350 Digital Soldering Rework Station (includes a soldering iron, thermal tweezers and powered solder extractor)
htmlText_20D6AB45_3A01_08B1_41B0_D53C7D62B941.html =
One of two electronic areas, where you'll find electronics test workbenches with Tektronix MDO-3 four channel 200Mhz touchscreen oscilloscope with built-in spectrum analyser, a Tektronix AFG1022 dual channel function generator with a range of 1uHz to 25Mhz, and a dual output 200W DC power supply for all your prototype testing.
Our Soldering test workbench have a Pace MBT350 Digital Soldering Rework Station (includes a soldering iron, thermal tweezers and powered solder extractor)
htmlText_20E38DCD_3A01_0BB1_41C1_063C3BD465E6.html =
General Maker:
This is the place to design and build your early prototypes. You'll have access to whiteboards to sketch designs and cardboard, glue, base crafts and general hand tools to bring your mock-up to life.
htmlText_20E762BE_3A03_19D3_41C7_93A6E5F962B5.html =
Test Bed:
This is a large open space designed for testing your prototypes, hosting workshops and exhibitions, or even conducting user testing.
The test bed is setup ready for face-to-face general induction sessions teaching users how to safely operate portable drills and general hand tools.
htmlText_20FB40F6_3A3F_3953_41CA_3640483479F8.html =
Laser Cutter:
The two Trotec speedy laser cutters can be used to cut or engrave acrylic and other non-metal materials using a high-powered laser light source. Find out more https://eng.unimelb.edu.au/telstra-creator-space/explore/explore-tools/maker-space/laser-cutter-100
htmlText_21B28356_3A01_1F53_41B7_F6B5F0FFA859.html =
Our main electronic area, where you’ll find electronics test workbenches with Tektronix MDO-3 four channel 200Mhz touchscreen oscilloscope with built-in spectrum analyser, a Tektronix AFG1022 dual channel function generator with a range of 1uHz to 25Mhz, and a dual output 200W DC power supply for all your prototype testing. Our Soldering e workbench has a Pace MBT350 Digital Soldering Rework Station (includes a soldering iron, thermal tweezers and powered solder extractor)
htmlText_21BC9E8C_3A01_09B7_41B7_705D6BBB1984.html =
Our main electronic area, where you’ll find electronics test workbenches with Tektronix MDO-3 four channel 200Mhz touchscreen oscilloscope with built-in spectrum analyser, a Tektronix AFG1022 dual channel function generator with a range of 1uHz to 25Mhz, and a dual output 200W DC power supply for all your prototype testing. Our Soldering e workbench has a Pace MBT350 Digital Soldering Rework Station (includes a soldering iron, thermal tweezers and powered solder extractor)
htmlText_21C90806_3A03_08B2_41C5_A9D03EE7E821.html =
Our main electronic area, where you’ll find electronics test workbenches with Tektronix MDO-3 four channel 200Mhz touchscreen oscilloscope with built-in spectrum analyser, a Tektronix AFG1022 dual channel function generator with a range of 1uHz to 25Mhz, and a dual output 200W DC power supply for all your prototype testing. Our Soldering e workbench has a Pace MBT350 Digital Soldering Rework Station (includes a soldering iron, thermal tweezers and powered solder extractor)
htmlText_21CACD56_3A03_0B53_41C3_E1775128A888.html =
Our main electronic area, where you’ll find electronics test workbenches with Tektronix MDO-3 four channel 200Mhz touchscreen oscilloscope with built-in spectrum analyser, a Tektronix AFG1022 dual channel function generator with a range of 1uHz to 25Mhz, and a dual output 200W DC power supply for all your prototype testing. Our Soldering e workbench has a Pace MBT350 Digital Soldering Rework Station (includes a soldering iron, thermal tweezers and powered solder extractor)
htmlText_21EC1CE8_3A01_097E_41BD_F488CC9F003C.html =
CNC Machining:
Accurately cut and form materials with automated control and programming to bring your mock-up to life. You will find our CNC lathe, CNC Mill and CNC router.
htmlText_2399978F_3A3F_07B1_41C6_046B96E91890.html =
Laser Cutter:
The two Trotec speedy laser cutters can be used to cut or engrave acrylic and other non-metal materials using a high-powered laser light source. Find out more https://eng.unimelb.edu.au/telstra-creator-space/explore/explore-tools/maker-space/laser-cutter-100
htmlText_23A9F5EE_3A01_FB73_41C1_3E9A021BB1DC.html =
3D Printing:
Transform your ideas into tangible outcomes with 3D printing. You'll find design desks plus twenty eight Makerbot Replicators, MakerBot Replicator Z18, two Markforged MkII and Artec 3D Scanners.
htmlText_26000637_3A03_18D1_41BB_09556010431F.html =
General Maker:
This is the place to design and build your early prototypes with space and general hand tools. You’ll find design desks for finessing you CAD designs for the four laser cutters here.
htmlText_261520F4_3AFF_3957_41BF_F3D1F82A3749.html =
Wood shop:
The Wood shop contains mostly traditional wood working machines which can be used to cut, turn, sand and shape wood, plastics and composite materials. These machines are all connected to a dust extraction system and have a trained staff member to assist in their correct and safe method of use. You will find the table saw, vertical bandsaw, disc sander, planer, scroll saw, circular saw and the wood lathe located here.
htmlText_264D5297_3A07_19D2_41CA_51B68F02198C.html =
General Maker:
This is the place to design and build your early prototypes with space and general hand tools. You’ll find design desks for finessing you CAD designs for the four laser cutters here.
htmlText_264F8FED_3A07_0776_41C9_FF12A48E4180.html =
General Maker:
This is the place to design and build your early prototypes with space and general hand tools. You’ll find design desks for finessing you CAD designs for the four laser cutters here.
htmlText_265B1F4D_3A03_08B1_41AB_65BB04478DA4.html =
Traditional Machining:
Traditional machining is where you can accurately turn, mill, drill and bore various materials using conventional machining processes. You will find our manual lathe and manual mill here.
htmlText_2678C5A9_3A01_1BFE_41B7_A08E7FCAF210.html =
Metal shop:
The Metal shop contains traditional metal fabrication machines for cutting bending, drilling, grinding and assembling steel and aluminium structures. You will find the guillotine, pedestal drill, Brobo cold saw, bench grinder, metal bandsaw and pan brake located here.
htmlText_26E2C813_3A01_08D1_41CC_D2A8FEB5136E.html =
Traditional Machining:
Traditional machining is where you can accurately turn, mill, drill and bore various materials using conventional machining processes. You will find our manual lathe and manual mill here.
htmlText_26E9169E_3A01_19D2_41B7_5550E5392A83.html =
Laser Cutter:
The four Trotec Speedy laser cutters can be used to cut or engrave acrylic and other non-metal materials using a high-powered laser light source
htmlText_278391B4_3A01_1BD6_41B1_EE9644235582.html =
3D Printing:
Transform your ideas into tangible outcomes with 3D printing. You'll find design desks plus twenty eight Makerbot Replicators, MakerBot Replicator Z18, two Markforged MkII and Artec 3D Scanners.
htmlText_28182DD3_3540_92A2_41B6_5982C6634992.html =
Telstra Creator Space has over 90 lockers available for you to store your projects.
htmlText_287414E7_35C0_9262_41B0_2210E40DECA5.html =
Welcome to Telstra Creator Space.  Telstra Creator Space is an accessible fabrication lab located at the University of Melbourne's innovation precinct, Melbourne Connect. Here you will be welcomed by our friendly Concierge to answer any questions you may have.
htmlText_28A3430E_3540_97A2_41C0_11AF990DE187.html =
Telstra Creator Space has over 90 lockers available for you to store your projects.
htmlText_2BE39D9F_36C0_72A2_41C4_6FD4F1CD736A.html =
Telstra Creator Space has over 90 lockers available for you to store your projects.
htmlText_2E85FDDC_3DBC_395E_41B0_70250A7F6E2C.html =
Project Supervisor:
Dr Saeed Miramini
Email: s.miramini@unimelb.edu.au
Kun Lan,
Yanjian Shi,
Wenxiang Du
This virtual tour has been developed as a part of a Telstra student project at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Melbourne.
## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_2A9D299C_315C_6F7C_41A5_ABFC643A21F5.source = https://eng.unimelb.edu.au/telstra-creator-space#start-making